Company Name:
Webber Electronics
Specializing in:
Power Cords, Cord Sets,
Power Entry Modules,
Hospital Grade Cords
About Webber Electronics
Webber Electronics Power Cords and Cordsets are designed for use in both consumer and industrial applications. Our power cords are ideal for computers, appliances, medical devices, business machines, power tools and other instrumentation and communication equipment.
Our broad offering of International and North American power cords includes cords in both standard and custom configurations. We offer same day shipments from one of our regional distribution centers.
Webber Electronics stocks many standard items for immediate delivery. We also offer very low minimum buys on custom power cords at competitive prices. Webber Electronics remains very flexible in designing stocking agreements to meet our customer’s delivery requirements.
Webber is dedicated to supplying high quality power cords for all global power cord applications. We currently supply our products to many Fortune 500 world class companies. Our primary manufacturing facility is ISO9002 certified.